Philips-HeartStart-XL-plus-Defibrillator-Monitor |
Model lainnya : Defibrillator Philips Heartstart MRX, Defibrillator Philips Heartstart FRX Portable AED {Automatic External Defibrillator}
Model: M4735B
The Philips XL Defibrillator/Monitor Includes: AED and manual modes, 3-lead ECG monitoring, synchronized cardioversion, and SMART biphasic waveform. Supplied with one sealed lead acid battery, AC Power Module, printer paper, 5 disposable monitoring electrodes, one data card, hands free multi-function defib electrode cable, ECG patient cable, quick reference card, User?s Guide, and Training Video and one test load.
The XL model is an excellent crash cart model. It is lightweight and easy to use. Comes with external hands free pads. The base XL is equipped with:
Full automated defibrillation or manual defibrillation capability
Fast charge in 3 seconds from 2 to 200 Joules
Synchronized cardioversion
3 - lead ECG monitoring with pads
Selectable limits and alarms
Data storage and event summary
Complies with American Heart Associations Guidelines 2010
Adult or pediatric paddles with contact indicators
Pulse Oximetry with alarms, adult fingertip transducer
Non-invasive pacing - fixed and demand mode pacing, with adjustable rate and output
Upgrade from 3 lead to 5- lead ECG at no charge
External Paddles
Service Manual